Investing in European Deep Tech

& Climate leaders

Investing in European Deep Tech & Climate leaders


DTE’s investment strategy is guided by the vision to preserve a healthy planet for future generations. A healthy planet requires crucial industries to become green & digital. At DTE, we believe it is the unique combination of green hardware, software, data mining (Key Enabling Technologies) the right people and proper business practices which can truly enable industries to be reinvented. DTE is looking to invest in companies with proven technology, significant commercial traction and IPO potential, in other words, companies that are ready to start commercializing their solution – and therefore making impact – at scale. It is DTE’s ambition to finance & actively guide its portfolio companies to become the next generation of market leaders with a listing on Euronext. Recognizing that Deep Tech and Climate Tech companies need up to 10-12 years of development time before becoming market leaders, DTE’s fund lifetime is 12 years.

Privium Fund Management B.V. is the manager of the Deeptech Equity NL Fund

Deeptech Equity NL contributes to a sustainable future by investing in a green and digital European industry, with a focus on the major energy, food and health transitions

“financing the green & digital transition of the industry to create a healthy planet for future generations”

Focus areas

Growth and buyout capital for European Deep Tech and Climate Tech companies

As a private lead investor, DTE aims to invest EUR 30+ million equity tickets in pre-IPO European Deep Tech, Climate Tech and AI scale-ups with proven technology (no technology risk), significant commercial traction (no market risk) and IPO potential in 3-7 years. Through its global network, DTE aims to provide an additional EUR 100 million of non-dilutive growth capital per company.

DTE classifies Deep Tech as the 40 Key Enabling Technologies (“KETs”) that are grouped in seven technology clusters by the Dutch National Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO): Advanced Materials, Engineering & Fabrication, AI, Chemical Technologies, Nanotechnology, Photonics and Quantum. These technologies have the potential to contribute to the climate transition across crucial sectors such as Energy, Food and Health.

In the energy sector, hydrogen fuel cells could replace diesel GenSets, recyclable solar panels could power residential homes and Artificial Intelligence could better predict electricity demand and supply.

In the food & agriculture sector, alternative protein has the potential to replace livestock farming and innovative packaging solutions eliminate significant amount of food waste.

In the healthcare sector, remote diagnostics and monitoring solutions promise to provide a more complete and personalized care, while saving significant costs to the industry.

Substantial investments in these Key Enabling Technologies are essential for them to make a true impact on a more sustainable future.

Industry Support

The establishment of Deeptech Equity NL to finance the growth and scale-up of breakthrough companies up to their IPO phase is widely supported by the industry. The companies strongly endorsing the activities of Deeptech Equity NL include:


Deeptech Equity NL is a thematic investment fund that intends to invest in companies that directly contribute to the green and digital transition of the wider industry. These companies typically develop products or solutions that directly contribute towards solving global environmental and social challenges, such as the energy, health and food transition.

The fund is aiming to be classified as Article 8 under the Sustainable Finance Directive Regulation (“SFDR”).
We have developed a set of sustainability investment criteria that guide our investment decisions.

Companies with a favourable profile are companies that have a strategy in place to mitigate external sustainability related risks, such as the climate change risk. In order to be marked as sustainable, they should also reduce or eliminate the negative effects of their own operations on the planet.

In short, the companies which we will invest in need to combine outside-in sustainability risks and influences, with the inside-out perspective as well as develop products or solutions that directly contribute towards solving global environmental and social challenges in order to be sustainable.

DTE considers both the outside-in risks and influences as well as the inside-out effects and opportunities.

Investee companies:

  • Uses one or more Key Enabling Technologies with the intention to facilitate the green & digital transition in its industry
  • Must support the transition to sustainable and resource efficient industrial processes (Sustainable Development Goal 9) 
  • Must contribute to at least one additional Sustainable Development Goal related to energy, food or health transition​
  • Are clearly defined & quantified
  • Are tracked through specific key performance indicators (KPIs) such as emissions reductions, water saved, food waste avoided 


  • Program to measure and reduce environmental footprint of own operations is operational
  • The company is not active in fossil fuels and does not engage in activities that negatively affect biodiversity
  • The company has a strategy in place to mitigate material sustainability related risks, including climate change risks
  • The company does not violate UN Global Compact Principles and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises​
  • An organization that promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion


Mariette Doornekamp 
Partner / Portfolio Manager

As an experienced portfolio manager Mariette is a very well respected professional in the financial and corporate world, which makes her next to her portfolio management the ideal leader and CEO to guide DTE towards a prosperous future.

View experience

Member of the board of directors ABP, CFO Damen Shipyards, Director PE-firm.

Hans van Ierland
Partner / Portfolio Manager

Hans is next to his work as portfolio manager active as CIO. With his long-lasting vast (inter)national network and knowledge in the private equity arena, he and his team are searching and selecting those potential future Deep Tech unicorns.

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Co-founder/CEO HPE Growth, Co- founder/Partner Holland Corporate Finance (currently known as Oaklins).

Titus Schurink
Partner / Portfolio Manager

Besides his role as Portfolio Manager, Titus is responsible for the Operations of Deeptech Equity NL including financial, HR, IT and the office

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CFO HPE Growth, auditor at EY.

Marcel Dijkhuizen
Partner / CMO / Investor Relations

Besides taking care of Investor Relations, Marcel and his team are dealing with all marketing, media, PR and press related matters in order to support both our portfolio companies and DTE itself.

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Entrepreneur active in the fields of advertising, marketing, media, PR, entertainment, corporate consultancy and investments.

Investment team

Samir Ahmad
Head of Investment Team / Partner

Samir is the head of the investment team. Through his direct and indirect investments in European Deep Tech, he gained deep knowledge within Deep Tech, and created a great network within the Deep Tech arena. As an immigrant from Kabul/Afghanistan, he is not only striving for a safer and healthier planet, but also for more diversity & inclusivity.

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Investment director KPN Ventures, owner / CFO start-up, consultant

Name to be disclosed

To be disclosed

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Investment manager Private Equity.

Emma Riemer

Emma is responsible for the identification and evaluation of investment opportunities, market analysis and due diligence.

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Investment team HPE Growth and ING Ventures

Carel van der Linden

Carel leads a deep-dive into Deep Tech solutions enabling the food transition to identify promising investment opportunities in this sector and supports the investment team in deal sourcing & deal evaluation process

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Manager at E&Y M&A and Corporate Finance advisory, MBA at INSEAD

Dedicated Advisor

Investment team

Mark de Graaf
IPO / M&A Advisor

As a seasoned IPO expert, Mark will help DTE’s portfolio companies with preparing their IPO in the capacity of a dedicated embedded advisor at the actual companies. Besides this Mark also advises DTE about IPO related matters as an in-house advisor.

View experience

Deputy CEO BNP Paribas NL, Global Head ECM at ING, ECM at Citi & BNP Paribas, M&A at Credit Suisse

To be hired
MBA Student – Investment Team
To be hired
MBA Student – Investment Team

Investment team

To be hired
MBA Student – Investment Team
To be hired
MBA Student – Investment Team

Dedicated Advisor

Mark de Graaf
IPO / M&A Advisor

As a seasoned IPO expert, Mark will help DTE’s portfolio companies with preparing their IPO in the capacity of a dedicated embedded advisor at the actual companies. Besides this Mark also advises DTE about IPO related matters as an in-house advisor.

View experience

Deputy CEO BNP Paribas NL, Global Head ECM at ING, ECM at Citi & BNP Paribas, M&A at Credit Suisse

Industry Experts

DTE engages two Industry Experts per portfolio company. Below is a selection of experts that DTE works with:


Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science & AI






Green Real Estate




Industrial automation


Port of Rotterdam






Factory Automation


Multinational Food Business


Oil & Gas Tech


Health Insurance










DTE conducts quarterly deep dives into deep tech, climate tech and AI related topics in order to validate pending investments and to inform our stakeholders in relation to the portfolio companies which DTE has a focus on.

To date we have produced deep dives regarding the following topics:

1   Energy Transition

2  Digital Health

3  Batteries

4  Artificial Intelligence

5  Green Buildings

6  Heat pumps

7  Hydrogen

8  Photonics

9  Food Transition


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All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including the attachments) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owners Deeptech Equity NL.

Do not run any unnecessary risk. This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to invest. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of investments and any income generated may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Privium Fund Management B.V. (Privium) is authorized and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets ( as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). The Fund and its manager, Privium Fund Management B.V., are held in the register of Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets. Please refer to the Prospectus before making any final investment decisions. The Prospectus of the Fund will be provided by the manager on request, free of charge. No rights can be derived from this communication.

Deeptech Equity NL HQ

Symphony Towers
26th Floor
Gustav Mahlerplein 3
1082 MS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Campus offices of DTE

Energy Transition Campus Amsterdam
Grasweg 31
1031 HW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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